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Developing Quality Workflow

Image Creative Workflow from,

Stages of Creation Development


How do we find ideas to develop?

  • Use tools such as youtube and SoundCloud to find other songs.
  • After finding songs take some time to listen and find inspiration.
  • Quality inspiration is measured by how well that song helps you come up with new ideas. If you in into rap music then listening to rap music is going to be better quality inspiration than classical rock.
  • Quality inspiration is really measured by the inspire-ee.


How do we clarify our specific goal(s) for a project?

  • Use tools like pen a paper or a google doc.
  • Write what you want to do with your music, why you want to do that, how you going to do it, and when you want it done.
  • Quality intention is measured by how clear and specific your intention is. Something like, “I want to be able to play three songs by the end of the year by practicing twenty minutes a day because I really enjoy music and want to get better at it,” is a better quality intention than, “I wanna know three songs.”
  • Quality intention can really be measured by anyone, if you’re doing something on your own then it can be measured by you or if your doing it for a class then it can be measured by your teacher.


How can we brainwrite, brainstorm, storyboard, and plan our ideas at this phase?

  • Tools to use would be a pen and paper or a document.
  • Write down the specific plan you have for attaining your goal such as, “month one I’m going to finish Justin’s guitar lesson’s lesson one.”
  • Quality pre-production is measured by how detailed your plan is.
  • Quality pre-production is measured by anyone, it can be you, a teacher, or a family member.


How do we communicate with each other and execute our plan for this phase? This is where we actually make the project.

  • Tools to use would be Trello, burn down charts, and five-minute meetings.
  • You and your team write everything you need to get done in a “need to do” section in Trello if your working on something put it in a “currently working on” section, and when you get something done but it is a “done” section so your team knows how far along you are. Additionally but everything in a burndown chart so that when you have time to work on something, you can use 100% of the time focused on getting as many things on that burndown chart done. Lastly at the beginning of every work session have a five-minute meeting with your team to discuss what needs to get done and how far along everyone it.
  • Quality production is measured on how far along you are on your project compared to your plan if you are a week ahead than your producing quality production.
  • You and your team your working on measures the quality of your production.


How do we communicate with each other and execute our final stages of the project for this phase? This is where we publish the project.

  • Every tool from “Production” additionally a site to upload your final projects such as SoundTrap or youtube.
  • Continue to use the process from “Production,” when your project is done, upload it to a site for reference to the project.
  • You can measure quality post-production by the timing of the publishing of the project. If you get it published before your deadline then you have produced quality post-production.


How do we share our project with our learning community, advisory members, and the world?

  • Tools to use are the sites you used to publish your project.
  • When sharing your project with your learning community and advisory members tell your attention, your process of making the song with any snags, and then share your project ether through the site you used to publish your project or performing it.
  • Quality presentations and performance is measured by how well you presented the work.
  • This would be measured by the audience.


How do we conduct a feedback session at the end of the project development cycle?

  • Tools to use would be notes.
  • As your learning community and advisory members give you feedback take notes so you can learn from them.
  • Quality feedback sessions would be measured by how well you retain the information from the session.
  • This can be measured by either you through self-assessment or from teachers through tests.
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