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Internet Safety

Think Before You Post 

The main rule online is to think about what you’re actually doing online. The reason you want to do this is because whatever you say or post online can spread very fast. Whatever you say or do online can also spread to anywhere or anyone like your mom or future employer. You can never know where it would go. So… next time just think before you post something or send something to someone or you could regret it.  


Be Nice 

Cyber bullying is a real issue. Making a joke to someone else’s expense online can hurt them badly. It might not matter to you but it could destroy them. Just be a little sympathetic, imagine if it were you or your family people were making jokes about. Being a bystander and not doing anything about it could also hurt them just as bad. You could go to an adult and tell someone or even just being there for the victim is enough to help them get through it. This goes for online gaming as well. When gaming online you shouldn’t be mean to others because then no one wants to play with you anymore. and vice versa, if someone is being mean to you should block them and ignore it. Just remember, whatever you put out on the internet can be traced back to you so make sure what you put out is nice.  


Stay Safe 

You can be safe on the internet but how do you stay safe? Well, for starters, staying safe doesn’t always mean while you’re using devices. Whatever you say outside of your device can be recorded and shared. Plus, it is good to have a healthy balance of devices with friends, family, school, work, and physical activity. Another way to stay safe outside of your device is to not meet up with random people you meet online. You don’t really know if they are telling the truth about themselves or not. Now, how do I stay safe when I am online? Well first, if you get something inappropriate then don’t share it. I say this because if you do share something inappropriate than you could get in trouble. If you do get something inappropriate online then tell an adult. Don’t send anyone anything inappropriate either because then they could use it against you. Just remember to stay safe and think about what you are putting out there online. 



The real thing to take away from this is to think about what you are actually doing online. You should be nice to others so that they can use the internet in a positive way as well. You should also stay safe and stay away from the bad stuff and make this tool a slice of your life, not the whole cake. Just remember that the internet is an amazing thing that can be used to gain and share knowledge and even have fun. Just use it responsibly. 


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